Friday, April 5, 2013

Visiting the other shops

Today, I totally dozed off. I woke up 30 min before opening time but thank God I live close to the store and caught the bus right on time.

Unfortunately, the day begin with a sad news. One of our colleagues was at the emergency hence he couldn't make it to work. We were already understaffed so being only two salespersons (+ me) was really tight. The clients kept coming and we had to get organized somehow. I took care of greeting the clients with a big smile of course and also taking notes of their name and reason for visit. The hardest part in this job is actually to filter the people. By filtering, I mean, checking if this person can get his questions, problems resolved in the store and if he really needs to make the queue or not. Most people come in thinking that the shop can do everything for them.

Today, an person came in wanting me to give them some basic computer courses. Initially I thought he had some minor problems on the computer so I decided to take his case...but then I was tricked into it. He started asking how to put on the computer and everything else. Luckily somewhere within our conversation he mentioned he was supposed to get some computer lessons from Orange (yes, we provide some courses, it's part of the many services available ^^) next week. I was totally taken aback and I told him you should wait for your class. He said in a really candid way that since he purchased the computer yesterday he was really excited to play with it beforehand. It's true I would have probably done the same but I had to tell him politely that he should be patient and wait for his one of one course.

Exceptionally, we decided to close the store today for an hour during lunch break. We didn't have enough staff being only two salespersons and leaving one person behind with all the customers was not admissible. It did disappoint a few people but we had no choice.

After lunch, I had an appointment with the person in charge of placing all newly recruits (J-P) to visit twp other shops in the neighborhood. The first one we visited was at Montparnasse in the shopping mall. Since it's located near a train station and also inside a mall, most of clients are usually just passing by. This is different from shops in smaller areas as the customers come in knowing what they want.

The setting of the shop was quite different being bigger, more accessories, more sales persons. They also had a GDFA so that was quite cool to see it in action. There is one person at the reception who welcomes the clients and registers their name and reason on the application. So the sellers from their work position they can call in the next person to be served. Of course they don't get to see the reason why so that they can't reject a client. There was also a a trainer who was present. She came to the shop to train the sellers on the new offers mainly the "Parnasse" offer which is a special offer for people who wants over the top service (well in my opinion). She goes to the different shops and makes sure that all the sales force are updated on it.

Next shop we visited for the newly renovated store at Rue de Rennes. That shop was really impressive. I felt the sales persons were very well dressed (all black), the way the different sections were placed allowed for a very smooth "parcours client" (customer route) in the shops. One thing that marked me was metallic skull head with black sunglasses that is actually a speaker. All the phones were real so there was a "vigil" (a guard). It felt as if we were in a club with the bouncer. They also had a "espace service" which is a space that is dedicated for technical services to check the livebox, the decoder, cells and other issues. The coolest thing was the office underground I mean it was so spacious and colorful that one would love chilling their. Their stock also was well arranged, the items sorted and labelled. They also had a CEV (chargé espace vente) a person who is responsible for the inventory.

Overall, a pleasant day where I saw different concepts of the store :)

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